We are pleased to inform you that Ratra Dental Centre offers you practical workshop in Dentistry to upgrade with all the latest techniques & trends so that you can provide best treatment to your patients at par with world standards.
In House Complete Bleaching Technique Impressions.
Tray Designing.
Thickness of Materials.
Vaccum Forming Technique.
Inoffice Bleaching Techniques.
Placement of Gingival Barriers.
Prep of Bleaching Materials.
How to Tackle Post Bleaching Sensitivity.
Whitening Agents , Paints , Gels etc.
Best Dental Course
Get training through practical workshop and equip yourself with the latest trends and techniques of dental treatments with the courses offered at Ratra Dental Center. These specially designed courses are available for a short term duration of 2-4 months. The objective of the course is to give you exposure to advanced technology and latest equipments used in dental surgery and oral treatment around the world. The subjects we cover include Conservative & Cosmetic Dentistry, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics and Oral Surgery. Visit any of our clinics in Noida and South Delhi to get registration and other details.
Stress free dentistry module course, make the right move
Protocol for Course
In depth theory sessions.
Demonstration by specialists.
Live videos / PPT Presentations.
Doubts / One-to-one Interactive Sessions.
Practical on Typho / Extracted Teeth.
Practical Exercises.
Composite Restorations
Step By Step Composite Restorations.
Minimal Invasive Techniques For Prep.
Isolation & Contamination Concerns.
Occlusal Considerations.
How To Get Right Contacts & Contours.
Latest Material Selections.
Polishing & Finishing Techniques.
Handling Post Operative Sensitivity.
Handing Composite Failures.
Current Techniques In Endo Treatment.
Conservative Access Preparation For Rct.
Bmp Techniques (Step Down & Step Back Procedures).
Irrigation & Sterlization Of Canals.
Pulp Devitalisation Techniques.
Obturation Techniques & Procedures.
Single Sitting Endodontics.
Hands & Rotatory Protapers.
C++ files, negotiating the curved & blocked canals.
Hero shapers system France.
Splinting Techniques
Splinting Of Avulsed / Partially Avulsed Teeth.
Protocol & Procedure For Stabilization Of Teeth After Ortho Treatment.
Protocol for lanap procedure.( laser assisted new attachment procedure ).
Ginvigal depigmentation procedure. removal of pigmentation.
Laser biostimulation procedure for healthy gums & tissues.
Protocol for laser frenectomy, vestibuloplasty procedures.
Laser surgery no bleeding, no suturing & painless techniques.
Clinical cases, soft tissue: second stage implant uncovering surgery.
Management of erupting 3rd molar. operculectomy procedure.
Management of impacted teeth.uncovering unerupted teeth with laser surgery and orthodontic management techniques.
Laser surgeries of fibroma, hemangioma.
Clinical cases, soft tissue management: fibrous tissue on edentuluous ridge.
Tooth exposure for orthodontics.
Gingival tissue retraction.
Management of aphthous ulcer and herpetic lesion.
Clinical cases, laser teeth whitening. no senstivity procedure.
Role of lasers in endodontics, pulpotomy, pulpectomy procedure.
Specialised techniques of pact and pdt in laser endodontics.
How to achieve best smile degign in cases of gummy smile.
Laser dentistry made easy.
Laser regulation, laser safety, advantages and comparisons of the use of lasers.
Prosthodontic Course in India
Impression materials & various impression techniques.
How to get best impression. alginate / rubber base ?
Removable partial dentures.
Support for distal extension denture base.
Techniques of placement , adjustments , servicing of rpd.
Techniques for functional occlusnal relationship in rpd.
Diagnosis and latest treatment planning techniques for edentulous patients.
Techniques to improve the denture bearing areas.
The art of communication in the management of edentulous patients.
The complete plan to a successful complete denture.
Impressions, jaw relations, occlusions, try in to delivery.
Special retention techniques for complete dentures.
Techniques for repairs , relining , rebrasing of the dentures.
Immediate dentures.
Flexible dentures.
Implants supported dentures and Fixed partial dentures.
Clinical cases, soft tissue management: fibrous tissue on edentuluous ridge.
Individual tooth prepration techniques.
Laminates & venners, Occlusnal equilibrations.
Crowns / Caps techniques.
Best finish lines in crown prep techniques. shoulder / shoulder with bevel/ champer ??
Gingival retraction techniques.
Porcelain fused to metal , crestore crowns, dicor crowns , porcelain crowns , metal free crowns.
Bridge prepration techniques.
Placement & selection of implants.
Stage 1 & stage 2 surgeries in implants..
Role of lasers in prosthodontics.
Full mouth rehablitation cases. from treatment planning to procedures and lifetime maintainance challenges.
Full mouth rehablitation cases. from treatment planning to procedures and lifetime maintainance challenges.
Periodontics Course in India
Latest principles of oral surgery.
Periodontal diseases & response of periodontium to external forces.
Scaling & polishing techniques.
Sub gingival scaling techniue & curretage.
Management of periodontal abscess & lesions.
Gingivoplasty & gingivectomy procedures.
Management techniques of periodontal pockets.
Flap techniques for pocket therapy.
Treatment for gingival enlargements.
Gingival depigmentation procedures.
In house bleaching concepts & techniques.
In office bleaching concepts & techniques.
Teeth whitening strips , teeth whitening paints.
Treatment of hypersenstivity after bleaching.
Current materials & prespectives.
Oral Surgery Course in India
Latest principles of oral surgery.
Extraction techniques & complications.
Management of root breakage while extraction.
Techniques for use of elevators.
Methods of local anesthetic administration & management of complications.
Impacted 3rd molar extraction techniques.
Techniques for surgical exposures of embedded teeth.
Techniques for surgical , open & transalveolar extractions.
Techniques for management of salivary glands disorders.
Techniques for cysts & tumours removal.
Alveoplasties & biopsies techniques.
Apicosectomy techniques.
Management of dental emergencies.
Managements of space infections.
Management of mandibular fractures & tmj dislocations.
Latest techniques of incision & suturing.
Ratra Multispecialty & Cosmetic Dental Center (RMCDC) has fully-equipped clinics at several places in Noida. Convenient location, easy accessibility and best dental services are what driving people from South Delhi and other parts of Delhi NCR to our treatment center in Noida.